首先是眼睛敏感, 到臉頰, 再來重感冒。全身乏力, 腰酸背痛。
2010年10月24日 星期日
首先是眼睛敏感, 到臉頰, 再來重感冒。全身乏力, 腰酸背痛。
2010年10月1日 星期五
2010年9月29日 星期三
2010年9月23日 星期四
It's interesting that most of the Japanese artists have mini signature stamps in around 1cmx1cm.
I also tried to make one yesterday night when I was free:-)
I made this stamp during night time, so it was a bit hard for me to see all the lines very clearly when I hand carved it. Let me try another with finer line in the day time sin, haha.
2010年9月18日 星期六
suddenly, he fall asleep.
my little gift
Got these last Sunday during Tsubuan Stamp's Demonstration. He did a "big cat moon" card for me which is very "mid-autumn festival". I just think I am like the little cat in the card, looking at his DEMO like looking at the moon?!
And you may also see the stamp he made during additional DEMO section. Very nice!
2010年9月14日 星期二
Thank you! Tsuban Stamp!
"This is my job. And I love it."
As I do not speak any Japanese, we can only communicate with simple English. But I can feel his passion towards stamp carving and his professionalism of being an artist.
He is a very nice and kind person who loves to share what he likes with the others. We had had a good time for art exchange!
Thanks you for giving us such a good demonstration of stamp carving and the professionalism of an artist!
2010年9月12日 星期日
2010年9月10日 星期五
我很幸運, 因為我遇上了你。
2010年9月9日 星期四
2010年9月6日 星期一
Mum! Look at my new ear ring
2010年9月4日 星期六
2010年8月2日 星期一
I am back!
My brain is now full of new designs elements, cannot stop running.@_@
2010年7月16日 星期五
2010 July - Rabbitoffee Collection - Walking in the summer garden
I would like to bring everybody a colourful and happy collection with a lot of image of small animals and insects.
I named this collection “Walking in the summer garden”. That means all my inspirations comes from my imagination of a summer garden, hope you feel a bit fresher when you see these lovely colours and images!
I tried lines in different thickness this time, you may discover that those little animals (pig, rabbit, fox) come with stronger lines while those little insects comes with finer lines.
The collection will be available at Petit Morpho from 18th July onwards, if you would like to have a closer look at them, please visit:
::petit morpho::
506 Commercial House
35 Queen's Road
Central , Hong Kong
Don't forget to check the business hour of PM* before paying a visit there. :-)
2010年6月28日 星期一
2010年6月12日 星期六
To Ashley

Dear Ashley in 2010,
I find this anniversary stamp in the bottom of your drawer when I was tidying up my room today.
I am happy to see your improvement in lines of your stamps. However, please put more effort in exploring new dimension in handmade. I really hope that you could bring me some surprise in the coming future. And one more point, I really hope that you will not throw you stamps here and there again in the future. I don't want to see your stamp in the bottom of the drawer again.
Ashley in 2009
2010年6月7日 星期一

No matter who the artist is, no matter what the handmade is.
However, I found quite a lot of so called"handmade" shop popping up these days, claiming that they are selling original products and designs, including handmade materials all over the world. But at the end... I usually found those products very similar to what I have seen from other overseas artists, or even local artists.
It's very sad, but true.
Copy cats usually claim that they are just inspired by certain artists or that is just coincidence.
In fact, it's pointless to defense for yourself with these points. Whenever somebody says that you are very alike with someone, there is already something wrong.
Is it really that hard to behave oneself of not copying the others? I don't think so.
Please respect yourself. And respect the others.
Oh I am a little bit nervous!
This package is much much more difficult than the one that I had last time and requires more in depth knowledge in rubber stamp hand carving.
I am looking forward to receiving my huge parcel.:-P
2010年6月4日 星期五
Versa Magic!
2010年4月19日 星期一
2010年4月17日 星期六
leather stamp!

I am very keen on playing this kind of leather rubber stamp these days!
After a few experiments during the ester holidays, I am now brave enough to show my new works to all of you. It takes me some time to be familiar with the texture of this new material as it is much harder then normal rubber board. However, the incredible extra fine lines and smooth surfaces are too amazing. Like what another handmade artist Dakiki said ‘It makes me addicted to it!’... yes…its very ture…
I have to make one before I sleep every night now…it’s like drug…~_~
Don’t try that if you have not started yet…
a certificate

This very cute certificate is a rubber stamps hand carving certificate issued by Hinodewashi Co., Ltd in
This is the first time for me to have this kind of examination and I was deeply impressed by the professionalism of Japanese. I appreciate their persistence towards perfection to each and every little part in their daily life.
And after acquiring the basic level rubber stamps hand carving certificate, I am going to take the
2010年4月15日 星期四
Get Dreams!

I am not a person who is good at numbers. That’s why I always like to see real money in hand more than numbers on the bank statements.
To me, it’s kind of fun to save money in a little coin can. As I never count how many coins I have put in it, I am always surprised by the can when I open it. And I love to add colours to my life which is usually a little bit dull by these little surprises.It is more than happy to use the money to buy a little gift to myself, my family or the one I loved.
I bought this coin can last week, and I was very impressed by the words “Get dreams” on it. Because I can imagine when I put my coins in it, I am like saving a little bit of my dream and getting closer and closer to it. Closer and closer…then, I know… I could finally reach it.
2010年2月20日 星期六
An Experiment
At First, I want to stamp on the melted hot glue and shape the glue... However... I totally failed...and I damaged my hand carved stamp...OMG...I have not even used it once T^T
Poor stamp, Mama will miss you.

Should I be happy for it? :-)
My Little Stamp Rocord Book

I didn't use to record what I have hand carved in the past, but I have started this new habit this year.
I have found a little self-adhesive photo album in brown for my work record. The album is made of brown paper with raw handmade feeling, together with a hard cover(like library books) which would not curl easily.
Every time when I finish a new design, I could choose my favorite colour and stamp it on a piece of paper separately. I no longer need to be afraid that the whole album would be ruined when I chop the stamp at a improper position. :-) (too happy with it! I could have a good sleep tonight)
2010年1月10日 星期日
2010年1月9日 星期六
更新網誌這回事, 是十分困難的。尤其對於不善辭令的我來說更是一件苦差。
每次下定決心要更新的時候, 總是不能持之以恆。 找來很多很多的理由, 推說沒話好說啦電腦沒倉頡字碼啦沒有陽光不能拍照啦上班太忙啦睏啦沒心情啦, 諸如此類。
我曾經向人討教, 也嘗試強迫自己, 但都失敗。
別人說: 很想知道你的動向, 快更新吧。
我說: 好呀。
像一個太過古舊的大鐘, 漸漸的停下來了。於是別人也再不叫我了。
悠閒不是不好, 只是我也悠閒了過久的時間。
也許是時候再上發條, 運動一下呢。
至於欠下未寫的網誌, 就在未來的日子慢慢補回吧。唔 *人*