Hello, I am Ashley, welcome to my blog! If you would like to contact me or send me a little private message, please reach me at rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk. :-)


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Rabbitoffee 橡皮章雕刻課程招生中,有興趣的朋友請聯絡我們rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk 。謝謝!


2010年4月15日 星期四

Get Dreams!

I am not a person who is good at numbers. That’s why I always like to see real money in hand more than numbers on the bank statements.

To me, it’s kind of fun to save money in a little coin can. As I never count how many coins I have put in it, I am always surprised by the can when I open it. And I love to add colours to my life which is usually a little bit dull by these little surprises.It is more than happy to use the money to buy a little gift to myself, my family or the one I loved.

I bought this coin can last week, and I was very impressed by the words “Get dreams” on it. Because I can imagine when I put my coins in it, I am like saving a little bit of my dream and getting closer and closer to it. Closer and closer…then, I know… I could finally reach it.

