Hello, I am Ashley, welcome to my blog! If you would like to contact me or send me a little private message, please reach me at rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk. :-)


各位朋友可於FacebookAshley Rabbitoffee好友, 或到我們的專頁, 謝謝!!


Rabbitoffee 橡皮章雕刻課程招生中,有興趣的朋友請聯絡我們rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk 。謝謝!


2010年9月29日 星期三


中秋節吃了很了很多的月餅, 過完中秋後牙肉有點痛楚。
本來以為是吃掉太多雜食的後遺症, 直至有天發現牙肉上多了一點小小的異物, 弄來弄去才知道身體有個新成員要來了((幸好未有聽聞牙肉會生癌-_-"))

2010年9月23日 星期四


It's interesting that most of the Japanese artists have mini signature stamps in around 1cmx1cm.

I also tried to make one yesterday night when I was free:-)

I made this stamp during night time, so it was a bit hard for me to see all the lines very clearly when I hand carved it. Let me try another with finer line in the day time sin, haha.



2010年9月18日 星期六

suddenly, he fall asleep.

The screen suddenly turned blue, and then black. No responses afterwards.
My notebook go to bed suddenly on Wednesday night.

Luckily, he was not so sleepy and wake up at the end.
Thanks my dad for waking him up.;-) I hope he won't fall asleep again...

my little gift

Got these last Sunday during Tsubuan Stamp's Demonstration. He did a "big cat moon" card for me which is very "mid-autumn festival". I just think I am like the little cat in the card, looking at his DEMO like looking at the moon?!

And you may also see the stamp he made during additional DEMO section. Very nice!

2010年9月14日 星期二

Thank you! Tsuban Stamp!

"Do you hand carve stamps every day? Do you feel tired of it?"
"This is my job. And I love it."

As I do not speak any Japanese, we can only communicate with simple English. But I can feel his passion towards stamp carving and his professionalism of being an artist.

He is a very nice and kind person who loves to share what he likes with the others. We had had a good time for art exchange!

Thanks you for giving us such a good demonstration of stamp carving and the professionalism of an artist!

2010年9月12日 星期日


我想除了杏仁豆腐和芒果布甸外, 中式飲茶也算是吧。呵呵。

2010年9月10日 星期五

我很幸運, 因為我遇上了你。

我家有一個孩子, 叫TOFFEE, 是我的寶貝。
不知是否因為出生不久便被我們帶了回家的關係, 這孩子特別愛黏人, 行為也不像正常的兔子。喜歡霸佔主人的睡床打側身睡眠, 聽見別人談論自己時豎起耳朵。

每次凝視著這孩子, 我都覺得對他有很大的虧欠。
他的生命,就只有一個主人。我能做的, 就是讓他每一天開心的過。

希望我可以有更多更多的時間, 陪你在一起。
讓你知道我很幸福, 因為我遇上了你。

2010年9月9日 星期四


匆匆上上海, 又匆匆回來了。
三小時的機程太倉促, 還來不及把上海的氣味吹散。
身處風雨交加的香港, 忽然有點掛念昨天的我。

今年的上海比以往清潔了很多, 很明顯下了很多的功夫。希望下次來探望你的時候不是走馬看花。

2010年9月6日 星期一

Mum! Look at my new ear ring

Mum! Look at my new ear ring!

**I did this silver ring last week when I took a silver ring lesson in a local handmade studio.
It's my first time of having this kind of class. It was quite a fun experience, but very tiring.

2010年9月4日 星期六



我喜歡雨天, 因為我喜歡樹木被雨水洗刷後的清新氣味, 還有濕潤空氣的那股透明感。
我還依稀記得小學那一本文字推理上, 有這樣的一題:
EG. 晴天 配 熱鬧和海灘
雨天 配 __________

我已經記不起當時的我選了入什麼, 不過今天我想挑悠閒和家中。
悠閒在家中清空家中的雜物, 真是一個好活動;

然後 我看見桌上有些沒用的玻璃瓶,
然後 我想可以留著別浪費,
然後 我打算用印章在上面印些東西,
然後 我想可以試試做白色以外的顏色,

然後 我外出買了兩支新的印墨,

結果 東西沒整理好, 反而多了。
不過 好在這兩支墨, 顏色靚。