Hello, I am Ashley, welcome to my blog! If you would like to contact me or send me a little private message, please reach me at rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk. :-)


各位朋友可於FacebookAshley Rabbitoffee好友, 或到我們的專頁, 謝謝!!


Rabbitoffee 橡皮章雕刻課程招生中,有興趣的朋友請聯絡我們rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk 。謝謝!


2010年6月7日 星期一

Oh I am a little bit nervous!

I am a little bit nervous after knowing the arrival of my rubber stamp certificate kit package.
This package is much much more difficult than the one that I had last time and requires more in depth knowledge in rubber stamp hand carving.
I am looking forward to receiving my huge parcel.:-P

