Hello, I am Ashley, welcome to my blog! If you would like to contact me or send me a little private message, please reach me at rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk. :-)


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Rabbitoffee 橡皮章雕刻課程招生中,有興趣的朋友請聯絡我們rabbitoffee@yahoo.com.hk 。謝謝!


2010年4月17日 星期六

a certificate

This very cute certificate is a rubber stamps hand carving certificate issued by Hinodewashi Co., Ltd in Japan. I have received a well marked “examination paper” together with this certificate! The exam paper full of comments hand written by the examination (in red!)! It looks as serious as the mid-term examination I had ever taken!

This is the first time for me to have this kind of examination and I was deeply impressed by the professionalism of Japanese. I appreciate their persistence towards perfection to each and every little part in their daily life.

And after acquiring the basic level rubber stamps hand carving certificate, I am going to take the intermediate and upper level exam soon. Good luck to me~

1 則留言:

  1. 我想問, 怎樣可以去考這個資格? 如果不懂日文就沒有辦法了嘛?
